2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • MKTG 421 - International Marketing

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    A survey of the structure, techniques, problems, and general environment of marketing abroad, including the organization, promotion, financing, legal aspects, and operations of the multinational corporation
    Prerequisite: MKTG 311 
  • MKTG 460 - Marketing Research

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    The application of scientific methods of obtaining information to structuring marketing policies and techniques, with emphasis on the role of research in the solution of marketing problems.
    Prerequisite: BADM 216  and MKTG 311 
  • MKTG 470 - Marketing Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    A study of the organization and coordination of the total marketing program, including marketing segmentation, the marketing mix, and the operating environment. Students analyze firm’s marketing strategies, competitive strategies, and industry trends, and conduct an external situational analysis for the development of future oriented strategies and tactics to direct a company’s marketing efforts.
    Prerequisite: Senior standing in Marketing
  • MKTG 490 - Seminar in Marketing

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    A capstone course for seniors in marketing, with course content and activities centering on special topics that may include management or marketing activities, special research topics, or other marketing issues relevant to the business environment.
    Prerequisite: Senior standing in Marketing

Military Science

  • MSCI 101 - Military Organizations

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    Introduction of time management for students transitioning to college. An overview of the U. S. Army concentrating on the historical development of ROTC and related customs, courtesies, and traditions of uniformed service. Laboratory periods concentrate on leadership development, physical training, and selected presentations. Fall.
  • MSCI 102 - Basic Leadership and Management

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    An introductory course in leadership and management using case and situational studies to emphasize individual and group needs, group dynamics, and the decision making process. Laboratory periods concentrate on leadership development, physical training, and selected presentations. Spring.
  • MSCI 201 - Studies in Decision Making

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    A study in progressive leadership concentrating on leadership models, personality, and perceptual process. Contemporary and historical leadership problems (case studies) are analyzed from a leader’s perspective. Laboratory periods concentrate on leadership development, physical training, and selected presentations. Fall.
  • MSCI 202 - Land Navigation and Tactics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    An introductory course in land navigation and rifle squad organization, capabilities, and tactics. Laboratory periods concentrate on leadership development, physical training, and selected presentations. Spring.
  • MSCI 221 - Leader’s Training Course

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    An intensive practical application of leadership and military skills to satisfy basic course.
  • MSCI 301 - Unit Level Command Response

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    A study in leadership from the perspective of the Second Lieutenant, concentrating on the coordination and execution of administrative and tactical command decisions. Laboratory periods concentrate on leadership development, physical training, and selected presentations. Fall.
  • MSCI 302 - Terrain Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    An integrated course of academics and military skills combining advanced land navigation with squad-level tactics. Laboratory periods concentrate on leadership development, physical training, and selected presentations. Spring.
  • MSCI 321 - Applied Military Leadership

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    An intensive practical application of leadership and military skills for Advanced Course students. Five-week summer program conducted at Fort Lewis, Washington for all Advanced Course cadets from colleges and universities throughout the United States. Summer.
  • MSCI 401 - Basic Officer Course Prep

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    Studies in military subjects which will prepare an individual for those duties and responsibilities of a newly commissioned officer. These subjects include Military Leadership, Small Unit Administration, Human Self-Development, Leadership Aspects of Contemporary Issues, Unit Readiness, Company Administration, Effective Written Communications, Awards and Decorations, and Fundamentals of Management. Fall.
  • MSCI 402 - Advanced Leadership and Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    Studies in Military Staff organization and procedures to include topics essential to newly commissioned officers. These subjects are: Customs and Traditions of the Service, Ethics and Professionalism, Written and Oral Communications, Personnel and Training Management, Military Justice, Law of War, International Law, U.S. Army Logistics, Maintenance Management, and Soviet Army Indoctrination. Students prepare and present military science instruction to military science classes. Spring.
  • MSCI 421 - Physical Education and Training

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 3

    This course is designed to introduce the student to physical fitness and the regulatory components of the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). Information on various topics contributing to a fit lifestyle (such as nutrition and hydration, the benefits of aerobic and anaerobic exercise, running selection, etc.) will be interwoven throughout the course. The course will involve calisthenics, introduction to various sports, swimming, weight lifting, running, and road marching.
    Prerequisite: MSCI 301  or MSCI 302 
  • MSCI 422 - Physical Education and Training

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 3

    This course is designed to sustain the student’s physical fitness in accordance with the regulatory components of the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). Information on various topics contributing to an above average fitness level (muscular strengthening and endurance, nutrition and hydration, the benefits of total body fitness, distance running/road marching techniques, etc.) will be interwoven throughout the course. The course will involve calisthenics, negotiation of obstacle courses advanced water survival, leadership/ confidence building exercises, preparation and execution of lesson plans, organization and execution of physical fitness training administration of APFT, and evaluation techniques.
  • MSCI 423 - Physical Education II

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 3

    This course is designed to introduce the student ot physical fitness and the regulatory components of the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). Information on various topics contributing to an above average fitness level (muscular strengthening and endurance, nutrition and hydration, benefits of total body fitness, distance running/road marching techniques, etc.) will be interwoven throughout the course. The course will involve calisthenics, negotiation of obstacle courses, advance water survival, leadership/confidence building exercises, preparation and execution of lesson plans, organization and execution of physical fitness training, administration of APFT and evaluation techniques.


  • MUSI 100 - Basic Musicianship

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    A study of the rudiments of music, including basic rhythmic and pitch notation; major and minor scales; intervals; primary triads; rhythmic drills; and sight singing and ear training activities. Also includes keyboard and computer applications of concepts studied. Must complete and/or test out to be admitted as a music major.
  • MUSI 101 - Class Piano for Non-Majors

    Credit Hours: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0

    A laboratory-style course designed for the non-music major giving the student a basic understanding of music reading, keyboard harmony, and technique.
  • MUSI 102 - Basic Piano Skills

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A class piano course giving the non-piano major a basic understanding of keyboard harmony and technique, with the first year of instruction devoted to practicing the five-finger major hand positions, memorizing several short compositions, sight reading, and combining staccato and legato playing. Must complete and/or test out to be admitted as a music major.
  • MUSI 110 - Choir

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A course focusing on selections from all periods and styles of music, including pop, spiritual, and gospel music, with a study of vocal techniques, choral diction, and performance styles and practice. Includes choral performances at various University and community activities, with tours planned to many areas in North Carolina and other states. Open to all students who enjoy singing.
  • MUSI 111 - Chamber Ensemble

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    This course gives students the opportunity to engage more actively in the music-making process through participation in a chamber ensemble, which is defined as a small group of musicians (normally two to eight people) performing music without a director/ conductor.
  • MUSI 115 - Percussion Ensemble

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    This course offers the student percussionist practical experience in the playing of percussion instruments in a chamber music setting. This course will explore traditional, contemporary, and world music for percussion ensemble. Open to all students following audition and permission of the instructor.
  • MUSI 118 - Foundations of Music Tech I

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    This course will enable students to develop facility with a range of music technology hardware; and software, and learn procedures for operating those elements. This course will feature uses of technology in K-12 music education settings. Various methods and software applications available for use in public schools as well as their relative merits will be investigated. Additionally, this course provides a foundation for students to develop their creative capacities. Course topics will include student-based performance (sequences, warm-ups, accompaniment, transposition, scoring), composition (sequencing, arranging, scoring), administrative functions (grading, communications, research, databases, financial management), logistics (lab set-up, funding), and resources. Students should have previous experience with Windows or Mac interfaces and familiarity with the internet.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 100 
  • MUSI 120 - Brass Ensemble

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A course in the performance of small ensemble compositions written for various combinations of brass and wind instruments. Open to all students following audition and permission of instructor.
  • MUSI 125 - Trumpet Choir

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2

    A course in the performance of small ensemble compositions written for trumpet choir. Open to trumpet students following audition and permission of instructor.
  • MUSI 130 - Woodwind Ensemble

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A course in the performance of small ensemble compositions written for various combinations of woodwind instruments. Open to all students following audition and permission of instructor.
  • MUSI 140 - Jazz Ensemble

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A major performing organization of the university, with practice including instruction in improvisation and arranging, and with a varied repertoire that includes music from jazz to fusion and popular styles. Open to all students following audition and permission of instructor.
  • MUSI 150 - Opera Workshops

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    Study and performance of scenes, acts, and/or operas from both the standard repertoire and operas of primarily historical interest. Open to all students. Audition and permission of instructor.
  • MUSI 152 - Harmony, Sight Singing, and Ear Training I

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 1

    A study of the basic elements of harmony: primary and secondary triads in root position and all inversions; seventh chords; major, minor, and chromatic scales; introduction to part-writing procedures; rhythmic drills; and sight singing and ear training activities. Includes keyboard and computer applications of concepts studied.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 100 
  • MUSI 155 - Exploration in Music Education

    Credit Hours: 2
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    An introduction to teaching music in the public schools required of all music education majors. Students are introduced to the K-12 National Music Standards, NC Standard Course of Study, and North Carolina licensing procedures. Through reading, writing, field experiences, and discussions, students consider the implications of a particular philosophy of music education, various styles of teaching/learning, and music knowledge and skills, as well as dispositions necessary to become an excellent music teacher. Issues related to music assessment, classroom management, and different types of school settings are considered.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 152 
  • MUSI 159 - Beginning Jazz Improvisation

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    A user-friendly course of study in the melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic practices associated with the art of jazz improvisation, including the theoretical background associated with it and the stylistic and idiomatic considerations as well. Students learn through a “hands-on” approach; they are called upon to improvise jazz in actual playing situations on a weekly basis. Students also learn through the study of jazz harmony and theory and through analysis of classic jazz recordings made famous by the masters of the craft.
  • MUSI 160 - Orchestra

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A course in the performance of small ensemble compositions written for various combinations of string instruments. Open to all students following audition and permission of instructor.
  • MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour

    Credit Hours: 0
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A series of weekly workshops, clinics, master classes, presentations, and performances presented to students taking applied lessons and senior recital. Students gain practical performance experience during the scheduled music seminar/ recital hours. Students are required to attend additional student ensemble, senior recital, and Fine Arts Series events. Concurrent registration in applied lessons or senior recital is required with MUSI 165 registration. Course taken for Pass/ Fail credit.
  • MUSI 167 - Applied Brass

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses focusing on diagnoses and recommendations for proper brass/wind playing habits, with emphasis on embouchure development, tonal studies, scales, and arpeggios. Minimum of five hours practice per week required. Freshman year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
  • MUSI 169 - Applied Organ

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequenced study of organ manual and pedal techniques, with practice works including easy preludes and offertories, studies by Gelason, Nilsen, etc.; Bach’s Little Preludes and Fugues; and hymn playing and service playing. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. Freshman year sequence.
  • MUSI 171 - Applied Piano

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A first-year sequence of courses in piano devoted to acquiring a firm technical foundation through the use of various drills and exercises, with beginning repertoire including pieces on the level of the Clementi Sonatinas, Op. 36, the Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach, and Bach’s Two-part Inventions. Includes practice with major and minor scales played in contrary and parallel motion. Freshman year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit
  • MUSI 173 - Applied Percussion

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses for the percussionist focusing on basic technique, sound production, exercises and etudes with emphasis on indefinite pitch and related instruments, keyboard percussion, and timpani. Freshman year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
  • MUSI 175 - Applied Strings

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses featuring diagnoses and recommendations for proper string playing habits, with practice emphasis on bowing and fingering methods, positions, scales, arpeggios, tone, and vibrato. Freshman year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
  • MUSI 177 - Applied Voice

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses in voice focusing on the study of vowels and the fundamentals of tone production, correct breathing and posture, and the performance of early secular and sacred songs. Freshman year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
  • MUSI 179 - Applied Woodwinds

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses focusing on diagnoses and recommendations for proper woodwind playing habits, with emphasis on embouchure development, tonal studies, scales, and arpeggios. Freshman year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
  • MUSI 191 - Marching Band

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 5

    A major performing organization of the university, playing in parades, at miscellaneous events, and at football games both at home and in other states. Open to all students following audition and permission of instructor.
  • MUSI 192 - Concert Band

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 5

    A major performing organization of the university, playing varied styles and genres of music in concerts, both locally and in other cities. Open to all students following audition and permission of the instructor.
  • MUSI 193 - Pep Band

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2

    The FSU Pep Band is an important performing organization of the university, playing recruitment concerts at high schools, official university functions, as well as home and selected away basketball games. This 1-credit course is open to all students following audition and instructor permission. Preference is given to those who have performed with the FSU marching band in the fall semester. This course can be repeated for credit. This course cannot be used for an ensemble credit requirement by music majors/ minors.
  • MUSI 201 - Piano Skills I

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A course giving the non-piano major a basic understanding of keyboard harmony and technique, with the first year of instruction devoted to practicing the five-finger major hand positions, memorizing several short compositions, sight reading, and combining staccato and legato playing.
    Prerequisite: MSCI 102 
  • MUSI 202 - Piano Skills II

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A study of primary chords in all keys, the major and minor harmonic scales and major and minor arpeggios in two octaves; four-part chordal textures; and sight reading using chord symbols.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 201 
  • MUSI 210 - Music Appreciation

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    An introduction to the basic materials and ideas of music, stressing the relationship of music to society, culture, and philosophy; introducing musical instruments and the contributions of important composers; and studying characteristics of style and form in various types of music. Recital attendance required.
  • MUSI 218 - Foundations of Music Technology II

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    This course develops student proficiency in MIDI sequencing and in the use and integration of music notation, digital audio, and digital video software. Students will design multimedia projects, study electronic recording equipment, and construct music projects and interactive lessons appropriate for k-12 music instruction. Students will integrate digital multimedia files into presentations, music lessons, and class projects. This course will center on intermediate level competence in music technology. The recording studio, music instruction, and music notation are the global objectives for this course.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 118 
  • MUSI 225 - A History of Jazz in American Culture

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    Using both a socio-cultural and historical perspective, this course explores the major forms of African-American folk music indigenous to the United States. These forms of African American folk music (ragtime, blues, and gospel) contain elements of musical expression rooted in the aesthetic make-up of jazz. Students will explore and analyze the development of jazz music in relation to its cultural context.
  • MUSI 241 - Class Strings

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A study of the basic concepts of playing and teaching the bowed string instruments, focusing on basic performance skills on each of the instruments (violin, viola, violoncello, and double bass), as well as on information about techniques for organizing, recruiting, and teaching string classes and orchestras in the public schools.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 152 
  • MUSI 242 - Class Woodwinds

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A practical introduction to the woodwind family, with emphasis on techniques for playing the flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, and saxophone, as well as on the characteristics and functions of each woodwind instrument and on the basic skills needed to offer instruction on woodwind instruments in the public schools.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 152 
  • MUSI 251 - Class Voice I

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A course featuring group instruction in the fundamentals of singing, with emphasis on breath control, posture, and tone production, and with additional attention to developing a beginning vocal repertoire. Course intended for music education majors with instrumental and/or keyboard concentrations only.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 152 
  • MUSI 252 - Class Voice II

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A continuation of techniques started in MUSI 251 , including new material such as basic diction, consonant and vowel production, and the extension of vocal and dynamic range through exercises and repertoire. Course intended for music education majors with voice concentration only.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 152 
  • MUSI 260 - African-American Music

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    A study of traditional African music and its interaction with western musical styles, with emphasis on the development of the blues, spirituals, gospel music, jazz idioms, and more recent African-American styles, and with attention to the work of major black composers and performers in both the concert and commercial areas.
  • MUSI 262 - Diction

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A study of the enunciation, pronunciation, and articulation of languages applicable to performances of vocal literature written in English, French, Italian, German, and Latin.
  • MUSI 267 - Applied Brass

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses for the brass player focusing on the continuing development of playing habits, with an emphasis on embouchure development, technique development and solo literature. Sophomore year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 167 
  • MUSI 269 - Applied Organ

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses in organ technique and repertoire, including the Bach’s Little Preludes and Fugues and Orgelbuchlein; Brahms’s Choral Preludes; works by Vierne and Widor; hymns; and other standard works. Sophomore year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 180 and MUSI 169 
  • MUSI 271 - Applied Piano

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses in piano technique and repertoire on the level of Beethoven’s Sonatas Op. 49, Nos. 1, 2; Bach’s Two and Three-part Inventions; Chopin’s Mazurkas, and Waltzes; and Bartok’s Mikrokosmos, Volumes III and IV. Included practice with major and minor scales played in contrary and parallel motion. Sophomore year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 171 
  • MUSI 273 - Applied Percussion

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses for the percussionist focusing on intermediate techniques, sound production, exercises, etudes, and solo literature with emphasis on indefinite pitch and related instruments, keyboard percussion, and timpani. Sophomore year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit
    Prerequisite: MUSI 173 
  • MUSI 275 - Applied Strings

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses in technical studies and the development of a recital repertoire for strings. Performance in student recitals and a minimum of ten hours practice per week required. Sophomore year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 175 
  • MUSI 277 - Applied Voice

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A continuation of studies in tone production and other principles of singing, with emphasis on various vocalists and on English, Italian, and French songs. Sophomore year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
  • MUSI 279 - Applied Woodwinds

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses in technical studies and the development of a recital repertoire for woodwinds. Performance in student recitals and a minimum ten hours practice per week required. Sophomore year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 179 
  • MUSI 281 - Harmony, Sight Singing, and Ear Training II

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 1

    Further study of harmonic elements with emphasis on analysis of primary and secondary triads, seventh chords, and cadences in the content of compositions representing the major historical style periods. Introduction to small forms, nonharmonic tones and melody harmonization. Continuation of part-writing principles, sight singing, ear training, keyboard activities, and computer application of concepts studied.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 152 
  • MUSI 285 - World Music Cultures

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    A survey of predominantly non-western traditional musical cultures, including ethnic origins of folk and traditional music in the Americas, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. This course analyzes the various characteristics of global music culture, including the relationship of music to language, ceremony, and cultural practices such as storytelling and dance. The course is open to all students, and no prior knowledge of music is necessary. Students will listen to musical selections, attend selected events, and write essays about these experiences.
  • MUSI 292 - Harmony, Sight Singing, and Ear Training III

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 1

    Further study of harmonic materials of previous theory courses, including nonharmonic tones, principles of harmonic progression, and part-writing procedures involving more complex harmonies. Introduction of secondary dominants, elementary modulation, and small forms such as phrases, periods, and phrase groups. Creative work, keyboard harmony, sight singing, ear training, analysis, and computer assignments will provide opportunities for application of theoretical concepts studied
    Prerequisite: MUSI 281 
  • MUSI 341 - Class Brass

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A study of basic concepts, techniques, and information related to offering instruction on the brass instruments - trumpet, French horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba - in the public schools.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 152 
  • MUSI 342 - Class Percussion

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A study of basic concepts, techniques, and information related to offering instruction in total percussion, including snare drum, keyboard percussion, timpani, accessory percussion, drum set, world percussion, and electronic percussion in the public schools.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 152 
  • MUSI 350 - Band Pedagogy

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    This course is design to provide the students the fundamentals and techniques of how a band works administratively and pedagogically.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 381 
  • MUSI 351 - Music History I

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    A survey of the development of music from antiquity through the seventeenth century.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 152 
  • MUSI 352 - Music History II

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    A survey of the development of music from the culmination of the Baroque era in the early eighteenth century to the present day, with emphasis on performance practices and on works of major composers of the late Baroque and Rococo periods; the Viennese Classical School; the Romantic, Post-Romantic, and Impressionist periods; and the twentieth century.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 152 
  • MUSI 354 - Form and Analysis

    Credit Hours: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0

    A study of standard musical forms and structures and the principles upon which they are organized. The course aims to sensitize students to the musical events, including cadences, changes in tonality, meter, texture, and timbre, etc. that indicate important points in a composition’s design.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 352  and MUSI 381 
  • MUSI 360 - Trumpet Pedagogy I

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    The development of advanced skills in pedagogy for teaching trumpet. The course will emphasize solo and orchestral literature for trumpet.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 341  and/or two semesters of MUSI 267 
  • MUSI 367 - Applied Brass

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses for the brass player focusing on the continuing development of playing habits, with an emphasis on embouchure development, technique development and recital repertoire. Junior year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 267  and Sophomore Qualifying Exam
  • MUSI 369 - Applied Organ

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of advanced courses in organ literature, including works of Bach, Buxtehude, Handel, Mendelssohn, Franck, Widor, etc., and incorporating elements of church service playing, hymn playing, and anthem accompaniment, as well as orders of liturgical services and other special services. Performance from memory. Junior year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 280 and MUSI 269  and Sophomore Qualifying Exam
  • MUSI 370 - Percussion Pedagogy I

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    The development of advanced skills in pedagogy for teaching percussion. The course emphasizes solo and orchestral literature for the snare drum (rudimental and concert), keyboard percussion (two and four mallet), Timpani, and Accessory Percussion.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 342  and/or two semesters of MUSI 273 
  • MUSI 371 - Applied Piano

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A continuation of technical piano studies, focusing on compositional form and performance style in works from the various historical periods, including the Bach’s Preludes and Fugues from the Well-Tempered Clavier; Haydn’s Sonatas; Chopin’s Nocturnes; Brahms’ Intermezzos; and Bartok’s Mikrokosmos, Vol. V, or Sonatina. Junior year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 271  and Sophomore Qualifying Exam
  • MUSI 373 - Applied Percussion

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses in technical studies and recital repertoire development for percussion instruments, especially the marimba and the tympani. Performance in student recitals and a minimum of ten hours practice per week required. Junior year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 273  and Sophomore Qualifying Exam
  • MUSI 375 - Applied Strings

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses in technical studies and recital repertoire development for strings. Performance in student recitals and a minimum of ten hours practice per week required. Junior year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 275  and Sophomore Qualifying Exam
  • MUSI 377 - Applied Voice

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A comprehensive study of English, Italian, French, and German songs. This course is intended to help students build a repertoire for the senior recital. Junior year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 277  and Sophomore Qualifying Exam
  • MUSI 379 - Applied Woodwinds

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses in technical studies and recital repertoire development for woodwinds. Performance in student recitals and a minimum of ten hours practice per week required. Junior year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 279  and Sophomore Qualifying Exam
  • MUSI 380 - Applied Brass

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of advanced courses in organ literature, including works of Bach, Buxtehude, Handel, Mendelssohn, Franck, Widor, etc., and incorporating elements of church service playing, hymn playing, and anthem accompaniment, as well as orders of liturgical services and other special services. Performance from memory. Junior year sequence.
  • MUSI 381 - Harmony, Sight Singing, and Ear Training IV

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 1

    A study in advanced harmonic materials, including diminished seventh, Neapolitan sixth, borrowed, and augmented sixth chords, as well as ninth, eleventh, and thirteenth chords. Introduction to binary, ternary, and composite forms; continuation of part-writing activities, harmonic analysis, sight singing and ear training exercises, keyboard harmony, and computer assignments. Introduction to twentieth-century harmonic practices such as whole tone scales, atonality, serialism, etc.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 292 
  • MUSI 391 - Conducting (Elementary)

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0

    The development of manual techniques, score studies, and listening skills related to the conducting of instrumental and vocal ensembles.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 152 
  • MUSI 394 - Choral Conducting

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A course developing the oral, visual, and aural skills necessary to conduct vocal ensembles, including mixed choirs, female choirs, and male choirs, as well as the skills and proficiency to read scores of compositions such as madrigals, motets, anthems, oratorios, and cantatas.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 281  and MUSI 391 
  • MUSI 396 - Instrumental Conducting

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A course developing the aural, visual, and oral skills necessary to conduct instrumental ensembles, including marching bands, concert bands, and jazz ensembles, and to increase proficiency in score reading.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 281  and MUSI 391 
  • MUSI 420 - Choral Literature

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A study of choral literature from 1450 through the twentieth century, including such activities as listening to and analyzing works.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 381 
  • MUSI 430 - Keyboard Literature

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A survey of music written for solo stringed keyboard instruments from the early Renaissance to the early decades of the twentieth century. Major works of the master composers will be studied and heard, and students will become familiar with the important keyboard genres, which comprise these composers’ work.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 381 
  • MUSI 431 - Orchestration

    Credit Hours: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0

    A study of methods and techniques for arranging compositions for band and orchestral ensembles, with special attention to transposition techniques and to basic compositional principles.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 381 
  • MUSI 440 - Woodwind Literature

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A study in the listening, analysis, and evaluation of woodwind solo and ensemble music, in the evaluation of materials for technique development, and in the evaluation and selection of musical scores for band and symphonic performances.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 381 
  • MUSI 441 - Methods and Materials (Elementary)

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    A study of curriculum, materials, and procedures for music instruction in elementary and intermediate grades.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 381 
  • MUSI 460 - Trumpet Pedagogy II

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    The continued development of advanced skills in pedagogy for teaching trumpet. The course emphasizes trumpet ensemble literature and related chamber literature with trumpet.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 360 
  • MUSI 462 - Music Composition

    Credit Hours: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0

    A study in musical composition that includes writing pieces in basic binary and ternary song forms, variations, and sonata-allegro and rondo forms, with emphasis on integrating materials learned in harmony, counterpoint, and orchestration.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 381 
  • MUSI 467 - Applied Brass

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    Senior recital preparation, with emphasis on the development of advanced techniques for brass performance. Senior recital repertoire approval by instructor and music faculty committee required in second semester course. Senior year sequence. Senior recital preparation, with emphasis on the development of advanced techniques for brass performance. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit. Senior year sequence.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 367 
  • MUSI 469 - Applied Organ

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    Continued study and practice of repertoire works, with emphasis on larger and more difficult compositions from the general literature and on the satisfactory public performance of a memorized composition in larger form. Senior year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 380  and MUSI 369 
  • MUSI 470 - Percussion Pedagogy II

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0

    The continued development of advanced skills in pedagogy for teaching percussion. The emphasis will be on the area of percussion ensemble literature and related chamber literature with percussion.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 370 
  • MUSI 471 - Applied Piano

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses in piano study to develop and refine performance techniques and to begin preparations and repertoire practice for the senior recital, with selections chosen from such works as Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier (selections); Bach’s French Suites; Mozart or Beethoven’s Sonatas; Chopin’s Preludes or Nocturnes; Bartok’s Mikrokosmos, Vol. VI, Allegro Barbara or Suite, Op. 14; or other works. Senior year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 371 
  • MUSI 473 - Applied Percussion

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    A sequence of courses for the percussionist focusing on senior recital preparation with emphasis on the development of advanced techniques for percussion. Senior year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
  • MUSI 475 - Applied Strings

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    Senior recital preparation, with emphasis on the development of advanced techniques for strings. Senior recital repertoire approval by instructor required in second semester. Senior year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 375 
  • MUSI 477 - Applied Voice

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    In-depth studies of vocal techniques and the literature from Baroque to Contemporary periods, with emphasis on preparations for the senior recital. Senior year sequence. MUSI 165  required. May be repeated once for credit.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 377 
  • MUSI 479 - Applied Woodwinds

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0

    Senior recital preparation, with emphasis on the development of advanced techniques for woodwinds. Senior recital repertoire approval by instructor required in second semester. Senior year sequence. MUSI 165 - Music Seminar/Recital Hour  required. May be repeated once for credit.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 379 

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