Feb 16, 2025
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Secondary Education 9-12, Mathematics Specialty Area, Thesis Option, M.A.T.
Program Requirements
Must be “licensure-only” students who already have a baccalaureate degree and/or “lateral entry” teachers who are seeking secondary teacher licensure. Students enrolling in the M.A.T. program must select one subject specialty area. Students may have to take additional undergraduate subject area coursework in order to meet licensure requirements. Students are required to remove academic area deficiencies prior to enrollment in the graduate methods course and internship. Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university. Overall minimum GPA of 2.5 on 4.0 scale for all undergraduate work or minimum 2.75 on 4.0 scale in last 60 hours of study which may include no more than 12 hours graduate study. Provide scores from either the GRE general section or the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) taken within the last five years. Prerequisite specialty area course requirements should be completed prior to applying for the “A” level license. Courses required for each individual are determined by comparing transcripts of previous college course work with the list of specialty area requirements for the “A” level license. See advisor or Middle Grades, Secondary & Special Education Department Chair for evaluation of these courses.
Prerequisite Specialty Area Course Requirements: 15 Credits
EDUC 697 is a supervised internship and requires placement in the public schools. The student must contact the Director of Teacher Education, advisor, and Department Chair of MGSS the semester prior to enrolling in this course for placement in the public EDUC 697 constitutes Student Teaching and requires admission prior to registration. Choose one of the following:
Professional Education Courses: 6 Credits
(EDUC 690 is the prerequisite for EDUC 698 and must be one of first 6 semester hours earned) Specialization Area Credits: 21 Credits
Choose one of the following sequences:
Product of Learning: 6 Credits
PRAXIS II Requirement
PRAXIS II Test: 5161 Mathematics: Content Knowledge—Score 160 And PRAXIS II Test: 5624/0624 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 7-12—Score 157 Total Credit Hours: 48
No more than 12 semester hours to be counted toward the degree may be completed prior to formal admission to the MAT degree program. |