2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 06, 2025  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The university seeks to admit undergraduate students whose academic preparation is strong, who desire to succeed, and who are highly motivated academically, professionally, and personally.

Admissions Procedures

Applications may be obtained by writing, calling, or may be accessed online at http://www.uncfsu.edu/admissions/

Director of Admissions
Fayetteville State University
1200 Murchison Road
Newbold Station
Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301-4298
Toll free: 800-222-2594
Fax: 910-672-1414

All prospective student applications, regardless of classification, must be accompanied by a nonrefundable $40.00 application fee.* The application for admission deadline dates are as follows:

First year and Transfer Students

  • June 30 for Fall Semester
  • December 1 for Spring Semester
  • May 1 for Summer Session I
  • June 1 for Summer Session II

Readmitted and Special Visiting Students

  • August 5 for Fall Semester
  • December 5 for Spring Semester
  • May 5 for Intersession
  • May 15 for Summer Session I
  • June 15 for Summer Session II

All applications for admission received after the deadline dates will be considered on a space available basis only. Admission to the university does not guarantee admission to a professional teaching curriculum or any program that has specific requirements. Students are responsible for ensuring that all requested credentials are forwarded to the Office of Admissions prior to registration for the semester for which they wish to enroll.

Falsification of the application or of any academic records will make the applicant ineligible for admission or subject to dismissal if admission has already been granted.

The university accepts applications according to the guidelines outlined below.

*With the appropriate documentation, the Office of Admissions will waive the $40.00 non-refundable application fee for active military applicants (forms located on the Office of Admissions website). Also, FSU will waive the application fee for readmission students who have been away from the University for only one semester.

Early Admission Program

The Early Admission Program provides the opportunity for promising high school students to take college-level courses while enrolled in high school. To be eligible, students must have completed their junior year, have an acceptable score on either the SAT I or the ACT (the writing component should be included with each test), and a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher. The applicant must submit a formal application for admission and recommendations from counselors or the principal.

Minimum Course Requirements

All applicants must meet the following minimum course requirements to be eligible for admission:

  • In English, four (4) course units emphasizing grammar, composition, and literature.
  • In mathematics, four (4) course units in any of the following combinations:
    • Algebra I and II, geometry, and one unit beyond Algebra II,
    • Algebra I and II, and two units beyond Algebra II, or
    • Integrated Math I, II, and III, and one unit beyond Integrated Math III. It is recommended that prospective students take a mathematics course unit in the twelfth grade.
  • In science, three (3) course units including at least one unit in a life or biological science (for example, biology), at least one unit in a physical science (for example, physical science, chemistry, physics), and at least one laboratory course;
  • In social studies, two (2) course units including one unit in U.S. history, but an applicant who does not have the unit in U.S. history may be admitted on the condition that at least three semester hours in that subject will be passed by the end of the sophomore year;
  • In foreign language, two (2) units of language other than English.

Applicants who graduated prior to 2006 may be exempted from the 4th unit mathematics requirement.
Applicants who graduated prior to 2004 may be exempted from the 2-year foreign language requirement.
Applicants who are at least 24 years of age may be exempted from the UNC Minimum Course Requirements.

Course units as defined in these requirements may include those high school-level courses taken and passed by an applicant after graduating from high school, as well as those taken while enrolled as a high school student.

First-Year Students

A first-year student is defined as any applicant who has not taken any college-level coursework after completing high school. Fayetteville State University seeks to admit students whose academic preparation is strong, who desire to succeed, and who are highly motivated academically, professionally, and personally.

In reaching admissions decisions the following information is considered: overall academic performance and grades, curriculum, rank in class (if available), standardized test scores and, if provided, a writing sample. While letters of recommendation are not required, they provide additional information regarding the applicant’s accomplishments. The university’s Admissions Office implements the established academic policies and requirements that define the necessary qualifications and credentials for admission.

In addition to meeting the minimum course requirements listed above, applicants must provide or meet the following requirements:

  1. Graduate from an accredited high school or its equivalent. (A high school equivalency certificate or G.E.D may be submitted in lieu of a high school diploma).
  2. Submit an official copy of the high school transcript showing grades earned through the junior year, courses in progress in the senior year, rank in class (if available) and a cumulative grade point average.
  3. Must meet the minimum grade point average requirement as established by the university.
  4. Must submit the results of the SAT or ACT college entrance examination with the writing component and meet the minimum test score requirement as established by the university.
  5. Submit a Personal Statement (250 words) that expresses who you are and why you want to attend FSU.
  6. A passing score on all sections of the North Carolina Competency Examination.

High school applicants will be required to meet these minimum standards:

  1. North Carolina residents: 2.5 cumulative GPA and an 800 SAT score (critical reading and math combined) or an 880 on the NEW redesigned SAT or a 17 ACT composite score.
  2. Out-of-state residents: 2.5 cumulative GPA and an 830 SAT score (critical reading and math combined) or a 910 on the NEW redesigned SAT or a 17 ACT composite score.

Transfer Students

A transfer student is defined as any applicant who enrolled in a college or university after graduating from high school. All qualified transfer applicants for undergraduate admission should meet the following standards:

  1. Transfer applicants must be eligible to return to the last institution in which they are enrolled.
  2. Transfer applicants must have at least cumulative 2.0 GPA or higher.
  3. Transfer applicants who have earned less than twenty four (24) transferable credits must meet all first time student requirements. However, transfer students may be exempt from first time student requirements (high school transcripts, standardized test scores and high school courses) who fall into one of the following categories:
    • Applicants who were awarded the high school diploma prior to 1988 and/or are at least twenty one (21) years of age.
    • Applicants who have earned an associate of arts or associate of science.
    • Applicants who have completed at least twenty four (24) transferable credits.
  4. Submit an official transcript from each college or university attended. (Sent directly to the Office of Admissions from the Registrar’s Office of the previous institutions attended).
  5. Submit military records (if applicable).
  6. Submit a writing sample (recommended).

Acceptance of Transfer Credits

Transfer student transcripts will be evaluated on the basis of the following policies:

  1. All transfer credits for courses that can be applied to any FSU degree program and in which a student earned a grade of C or higher will be accepted. Students may appeal exclusions of transfer credits within one year of enrollment. Appeals should be directed to the appropriate academic department.
  2. Full credit will be awarded only for courses in which a grade of C or higher was earned and are non-remedial or non-developmental.
  3. Transfer credits will be used to fulfill program requirements or as electives at the discretion of the appropriate department chair and dean.
  4. Credentials for transfer students will be officially evaluated only after an applicant has been accepted and all official transcript(s) have been received.
  5. Grades transferred from other institution(s) are not considered in computing the grade point average at Fayetteville State University.
  6. No more than 64 hours of credit will be awarded for credits earned at a two year institution unless otherwise authorized by a specific dual enrollment or articulation agreement.

The North Carolina Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) between the University of North Carolina System and North Carolina Community College System takes precedence over bilateral articulation agreements previously established between Fayetteville State University and North Carolina Community Colleges. The university will accept transfer credits in accordance with the CAA relative to the General Education transfer core; for graduates with the Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degree. Transfer credit for the Fine Arts and Applied Science degree courses, general education core courses for non-graduates, and transfer courses not originated at North Carolina Community Colleges will be awarded on a course-by-course basis according to Section V of the CAA.

Transfer from Non-Accredited Institutions

Transfer credits accepted for courses taken from a non-accredited institution are conditional and will not be considered by the Dean of the respective College/School or department chair, nor will they be validated until students have maintained a 2.0 average or higher for two (2) consecutive semesters.

Credits from Military Schools and Experiences

Academic departments determine transfer equivalences for military-based credit. Credits for courses from military service schools and for military service experience are based on recommendations published in the Guide to the Evaluation of Education Experiences in the Armed Services by the American Council on Education. Students seeking credit for military service experience must provide official documentation (an AARTS transcript, for example) relative to the experience, service school, or military occupational specialties. The Department of Criminal Justice does not accept military credit for CRJC courses but may accept them for free electives.

Credit for Basic Health and Physical Education

Veterans and active duty service members may receive a total of three (3) credit hours for basic health and physical education requirements at the first-year level when a copy of their Report of Separation (DD Form 214) or a copy of the Enlisted Records Brief (ERB) has been provided to the Director of Admissions.

Readmitted Students

Students who have not attended the university for less than two consecutive semesters, are in good academic standing, and have not attended another institution, please visit http://www.uncfsu.edu/registrar.

Students who have not attended the university for two or more consecutive semesters (fall and spring or spring and fall) must file a complete application with a $40.00 non-refundable fee and furnish official transcripts from all institutions attended since their last enrollment. Subsequent to readmission, former students must receive clearance from the Office of Business and Finance, Student Affairs, and the Registrar.

Applicants for readmission who had a cumulative grade point average below 2.0 in their last semester of enrollment must successfully complete the appeal process (see “Catalog Policy ”, in “Academic Regulations ”). If the appeal is approved, the applicant must submit an application to the Office of Admissions. Applicants who successfully appeal, have been readmitted by the Office of Admissions, and have received clearance from the Office of Business and Finance, Student Affairs, and the Registrar will be placed in the Student Success Program.

Students suspended more than two times will be permitted to re-enroll only under the provisions of the Academic Fresh Start Policy.

Students readmitted to the university will be subject to the degree requirements in effect at the time of readmission (see “Catalog Policy ”, in “Academic Regulations ”).

Second Degree Seeking Students

Students who have earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution may apply for a second degree by doing the following:

  1. Submit an application along with a non-refundable $40.00 application fee to the Office of Admissions.
  2. Submit official transcript(s) from all previously attended colleges/ universities.
  3. Select a major field that differs from that of the first degree awarded.

Special Visiting Students

Special Visiting Students are defined as those who are taking courses for reasons other than earning a degree. Those applying for Special Visiting Student status are required to submit an application with a non-refundable $40.00 fee and to furnish one of the following credentials:

  1. Official high school transcript or equivalency certificate.
  2. Official transcript of any other university, college, technical institution, junior or community college attended.

Applicants accepted as special visiting students must apply for full admission to the university when they earn 30 credits at FSU. However, credit earned as a visiting student cannot be used to establish eligibility for admission to FSU.

International Students

International applicants are students who do not hold United States citizenship or resident alien status. The Office of Admissions requires the following information from an international applicant to be considered for undergraduate admission.

  1. A completed application form with a non-refundable $40.00 application fee in U.S. dollars.
  2. Certified copy of official school transcripts—secondary and/or post-secondary. All freshman applicants are required to submit an official transcript from their secondary school. All foreign academic transcripts must be evaluated by WES or a NACES approved evaluation service and translated into English.
  3. Official TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score report. International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or SAT/ACT as required. The test score report should be no more than two years old.
  4. Certified bank or scholarship letter, no more than six months old, addressed to Fayetteville State University verifying the availability of funds to cover tuition, fees, and other direct costs associated with enrolling at the university.

Residence Status for Tuition Purposes

The basis for determining the appropriate tuition charge rests upon whether a student is a resident or nonresident for tuition purposes. Each student must make a statement as to the length of his or her residence in North Carolina, with assessment by the institution of that statement to be conditioned by the following.

Residence -To qualify as a resident for tuition purposes, a person must become a legal resident and remain a legal resident for at least twelve months immediately prior to classification. Thus, there is a distinction between legal residence and residence for tuition purposes. Furthermore, twelve months legal residence means more than simple abode in North Carolina. In particular, it means maintaining a domicile (permanent home of indefinite duration) as opposed to maintaining a mere temporary residence or abode incident to enrollment in an institution of higher education. The burden of establishing facts which justify classification of a student as a resident entitled to in-state tuition rates is on the applicant for such classification, who must show his or her entitlement by the preponderance (the greater part) of the residentiary information.

Initiative - Being classified a resident for tuition purposes is contingent on the student’s seeking such status and providing all information that the institution may require in making the determination.

Parents Domicile - If an individual, irrespective of age, has living parent(s) or court-appointed guardian of the person, the domicile of such parent(s) or guardian is, prima facie, the domicile of the individual; but this prima facie evidence of the individual’s domicile may or may not be sustained by other information. Further, non-domiciliary status of parents is not deemed prima facie evidence of applicant child’s status if the applicant has lived (though not necessarily legally resided) in North Carolina for the five years preceding enrollment or re-registration.

Effect of Marriage - Marriage alone does not prevent a person from becoming or continuing to be a resident for tuition purposes, nor does marriage in any circumstance ensure that a person will become or continue to be a resident for tuition purposes. Marriage and the legal residence of one’s spouse are, however, relevant information in determining residentiary intent. Furthermore, if both a husband and a wife are legal residents of North Carolina and if one of them has been a legal resident longer than the other, then the longer duration may be claimed by either spouse in meeting the twelve-month requirement for in-state tuition status.

Military Personnel and Dependents - A North Carolinian who serves outside the state in the armed forces does not lose North Carolina domicile simply by reason of such service. And students from the military may prove retention or establishment of residence by reference, as in other cases, to residentiary acts accompanied by residentiary intent.

Any active duty member of the armed services qualifying for admission to Fayetteville State University but not qualifying as a resident for tuition purposes shall be charged the in-state tuition rate and applicable mandatory fees for enrollment while the member of the armed services is abiding in this State incident to active military in North Carolina.

Any dependent relative of a member of the armed forces who is abiding in North Carolina will be eligible to pay the in-state tuition rate, if the dependent relative qualifies for admission to Fayetteville State University. In the event the member of the armed services is reassigned outside the State of North Carolina, the dependent relative shall continue to be eligible to receive in-state tuition and applicable mandatory fees so long as the dependent relative is continuously enrolled in a degree program.

To be considered for this benefit the applicant must submit a military residency application.

Grace Period - If a person (1) has been a bona fide legal resident of the required duration, (2) has consequently been classified as a resident for tuition purposes, and (3) has subsequently lost North Carolina legal residence while enrolled at a public institution of higher education, that person may continue to enjoy the in-state tuition rate for a grace period of twelve months measured from the date on which North Carolina legal residence was lost. If the twelve months ends during an academic term for which the person is enrolled at a State institution of higher education, the grace period extends, in addition, to the end of that term. The fact of marriage to one who continues to be domiciled outside North Carolina does not by itself cause loss of legal residence marking the beginning of the grace period.

Minors - Minors (persons under 18 years of age) usually have the domicile of their parents, but certain special cases are recognized by the residence classification statute in determining residence for tuition purposes.

  1. If a minor’s parents live apart, the minor’s domicile is deemed to be North Carolina for the time period(s) that either parent, as a North Carolina legal resident, may claim and does claim the minor as a tax dependent, even if other law or judicial act assigns the minors domicile outside North Carolina. A minor thus deemed to be a legal resident will not, upon achieving majority before enrolling at an institution of higher education, lose North Carolina legal residence if that person (1) upon becoming an adult, acts, to the extent that the person’s degree of actual emancipation permits, in a manner consistent with bona fide legal residence in North Carolina and (2) begins enrollment at an institution of higher education not later than the fall academic term following completion of education prerequisite to admission at such institution.
  2. If a minor has lived for five or more consecutive years with relatives (other than parents) who are domiciled in North Carolina and if the relatives have functioned during this time as if they were personal guardians, the minor will be deemed a resident for tuition purposes for an enrolled term commencing immediately after at least five years in which these circumstances have existed. If under this consideration a minor is deemed to be a resident for tuition purposes immediately prior to his or her eighteenth birthday, that person on achieving majority will be deemed a legal resident of North Carolina of at least twelve months duration. This provision acts to confer in-state tuition status even in the face of other provisions of law to the contrary; however, a person deemed a resident of twelve months duration pursuant to this provision continues to be a legal resident of the State only so long as he or she does not abandon North Carolina domicile.

Lost but Regained Domicile - If a student ceases enrollment at or graduates from an institution of higher education while classified a resident for tuition purposes and then both abandons and reacquires North Carolina domicile within a twelve-month period, that person, if he or she continues to maintain the reacquired domicile into re-enrollment at an institution of higher education, may re-enroll at the in-state tuition rate without having to meet the usual twelve-month duration requirement. However, any one person may receive the benefit of this provision only once.

Change of Status - A student admitted to initial enrollment in an institution (or permitted to re-enroll following an absence from the institutional program which involved a formal withdrawal from enrollment) must be classified by the admitting institution either as a resident or as a nonresident for tuition purposes prior to actual enrollment. A residence status classification once assigned (and finalized pursuant to any appeal properly taken) may be changed thereafter (with corresponding change in billing rates) only at intervals corresponding with the established primary divisions of the academic year.

Transfer Students - When a student transfers from one North Carolina public institution of higher education to another, he or she is treated as a new student by the institution to which he or she is transferring and must be assigned an initial residence status classification for tuition purposes.

Prevailing North Carolina Law - General Statute (G.S.) 116-143.1 is the prevailing statute governing residence status classification. Copies of the applicable law and of the implementing regulations are available for review in the Office of Admissions, First Floor, William R. Collins Building.