2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
    Jan 25, 2025  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Middle Grades, Secondary, and Specialized Subjects

The Department of Middle Grades, Secondary and Specialized Subjects is committed to educating and preparing individuals at the undergraduate and graduate levels for professions in the field of education, research, service, community health and sport management. The principal goal of the Department of Middle Grades, Secondary, and Specialized Subjects is to provide a quality education for prospective facilitators of learning in middle grades, secondary, health/physical education, and special education. In keeping with this principal goal, the department offers programs leading to the Master of Education degrees in Middle Grades (6-9), Special Education (K-12) and Secondary Education (9-12) and the Master of Arts in Teaching degrees in Middle Grades (6-9), Secondary Education (9-12) and Special Education: General Curriculum. Students seeking a master’s degree in middle grades education must select an area of concentration from language arts, mathematics, or science. The MSSS department is committed to providing academic quality in educator preparation and support services leading to candidate degree attainment and skill development in the areas of: (a) teaching academic content using current technology, (b) developing content connections within diverse learning environments, (c) reflecting on teacher beliefs and assumptions, and (d) engaging in continuous professional development. The MSSS department is further committed to strengthening faculty involvement in research, professional development and community engagement to enhance candidate and P-12 student outcomes and teacher quality in response to 21st Century, southeastern region of North Carolina communities and global expectations.

Students seeking a master’s degree in secondary education must select an area of concentration from biology, mathematics, and sociology. Students seeking the M.Ed. in Special Education may choose one of the following three specialty areas: specific learning disabilities, mental disabilities, and/or behavioral-emotional disabilities. Each of the programs requires a minimum of thirty-six (36-45) semester hours of study. In addition, a Class A level licensure program is available in Middle Grades Education, Special Education: General Curriculum, Health/Physical Education, and Secondary Education.

Suspension of Programs

At this time, the College of Education is suspending graduate admissions to the M.Ed. and M.A.T. in Secondary Education.

Candidates for the initial teaching license (Bachelor of Science [B.S.] degree, non-degree Licensure Only programs, and Master of Arts in Teaching [M.A.T.] degree) will complete a series of Evidence requirements to demonstrate their competence in North Carolina Professional Teaching, Graduate National or Professional Standards and Indicators. These evidences must be completed during course work and field experiences (if required), and candidates must achieve a minimum rating of Proficient (score of 3.0) on each indicator on the scoring rubrics for course credit and recommendation for licensure. These evidences include: Unit Plan, Case Study, Content Project and the Initial Leadership and Collaboration Project. In addition, candidates who are required to student teach must also achieve a rating of Met on all parts of the final Certification of Teaching Capacity form.

Candidates for the Master of Education and Master of Arts in Teaching degree (M.Ed. and M.A.T.) will complete an Advanced Leadership and Collaboration Project evidence to demonstrate their competence in the North Carolina Graduate Standards and Indicators during their respective culminating course (EDUC 698 , ELEM 698, READ 698  or SPED 698 ). In addition, candidates for the M.Ed. in Special Education must also complete the Problem Based Learning Product evidence during their initial field experience related to the Advanced Licensure Standards/Indicators in their respective Special Education specialty area (Learning Disabilities, Intellectual Disabilities, or Emotional Disabilities). Candidates must achieve a minimum rating of Proficient (score of 3.0) on each indicator of the scoring rubric(s) to receive course credit and recommendation for advanced licensure.

Learning Outcomes

Middle Grades, Secondary, and Health/Physical Education

  1. The candidates will possess in-depth content knowledge to enhance 21st century skills in the specialty area that they teach.
  2. The candidates will know how to implement pedagogical strategies based on the Common Core State Standards, NC Essential Standards and CAEP.
  3. The candidates will design, implement and report research projects conducted in their classroom/school which integrates research with teaching and service.
  4. The candidates will utilize technology to enhance instruction, learning, research, assessment and data management.
  5. The candidates will promote an educational culture that values reflective practice.
  6. The candidates will demonstrate the value of diversity and promote instruction that is responsive to all learner needs.
  7. The candidates will demonstrate leadership skills to advocate for students, communities, policies and practices that support student learning and development.

Special Education – Initial

  1. Candidates will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the field as an evolving and changing discipline based on philosophies, evidence-based principles and theories, relevant laws and policies, diverse and historical points of view, and human issues that have historically influenced and continue to influence the field of special education and the education and treatment of individuals with exceptional needs both in school and society.
  2. Candidates will be able to produce evidence of their knowledge and analysis of the similarities and differences in human development and the characteristics between and among individuals with and without exceptional learning needs.
  3. Candidates will be able to exhibit their depth of understanding, research and strategies related to how the experiences of individuals with exceptional learning needs can impact families, as well as the individual’s ability to learn, interact socially, and live as fulfilled contributing members of the community.
  4. Candidates will be able to create products of learning that show activity and resourcefulness in seeking to understand how primary language, culture, and familial backgrounds interact with an individual’s exceptional condition to impact the individual’s academic and social abilities, attitudes, values, interests, and career options.
  5. Candidates will be able to facilitate learning for their students through a repertoire of evidence-and research based instructional strategies and technologies used to individualize instruction for individuals with exceptional learning needs.
  6. Candidates will be able to lead in their profession by creating learning environments for individuals with exceptional learning needs that foster a school cultural of understanding, safety and emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and active engagement of all individuals.
  7. Candidates will be able to reflect and use the results of assessments to help identify exceptional learning needs and to develop and implement individualized instructional programs, as well as collaborate with specialist in order to adjust instruction in response to ongoing learning progress.

Special Education – Advanced

  1. Special educators at the advanced level will be able to use their deep understanding of the history of special education, current legal and ethical standards, and emerging issues to provide leadership in public schools and in the profession.
  2. Special educators at the advanced level will be able to advocate and apply their knowledge of cognitive science, learning theory, and instructional technologies to improve instructional programs and services.
  3. Special educators at the advanced level will be able to discuss, in depth, models, theories, philosophies, and research methods that form the basis for evidence-based practices in special education.
  4. Special educators at the advanced level will be able to design and implement research activities to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional practices, information and assistive technology, and to assess progress toward the organizational vision, mission, and goals in public schools as well as in the profession.
  5. Special educators at the advanced level will be able to reflect and demonstrate a deep understanding of the centrality and importance of consultation and collaboration to the roles within special education and use this deep understanding to integrate services for individuals with exceptional learning needs.

Special educators at the advanced level will be able to plan, present, and evaluate professional development, as appropriate to their roles, based on models that apply adult learning theories and focus on effective practice in public schools and in the profession.


PRAXIS II/NC Testing Requirements for Licensure in Special Education. Initial A-Level License

SPED Program participants who complete their licensure requirements prior to October 1, 2014 must complete required PRAXIS II examinations prior to applying for teacher licensure in Special Education: General Curriculum. Test scores more than five (5) years old at the time of application will not be considered.

SPED: General Curriculum
PRAXIS II Test: 5543 - Education of Exceptional Students: Mild to Moderate Disabilities (score 158)
PRAXIS II Test: 5511 - Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge (score 148)

SPED Program participants who complete their SPED: General Curriculum licensure requirements as of October 1, 2014 must complete required NC Foundations of Reading and General Curriculum tests and a PRAXIS II examination prior to applying for teacher licensure in Special Education: General Curriculum.

NC Foundations of Reading Test: 90 (score TBA*)
(4 hour computer based test of 100 multiple choice questions)
NC General Curriculum Test: 03 (scores TBA*)

MATH SUBTEST (4 hour computer based test; 45 multiple choice items and one open-response item)
MULTI-SUBJECT SUBTEST (4 hour computer based test of 55 multiple choice items and one open-response item) [see subtests below]

Language Arts History and Social Science Science and Technology/Engineering Integration of Knowledge and Understanding

PRAXIS II Test: 5543 - Education of Exceptional Students: Mild to Moderate Disabilities (score 158)
(2 hour computer based test of 90 multiple choice items and 3 constructed response items)

Until October 1, 2014 the existing PRAXIS II licensure assessment requirements remain in place.

PRAXIS II/NC Testing Requirements for Master of Arts in Teaching. Special Education. General Curriculum K-12

SPED Program participants who complete their licensure requirements prior to October 1, 2014 must complete required PRAXIS II examinations prior to applying for teacher licensure in Special Education: General Curriculum. Test scores more than five (5) years old at the time of application will not be considered.

SPED: General Curriculum
PRAXIS II Test: 5543 - Education of Exceptional Students: Mild to Moderate Disabilities (score 158)
PRAXIS II Test: 5511 - Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge (score 148)

SPED Program participants who complete their SPED: General Curriculum licensure requirements as of October 1, 2014 must complete required NC Foundations of Reading and General Curriculum tests and a PRAXIS II examination prior to applying for teacher licensure in Special Education: General Curriculum.

NC Foundations of Reading Test: 90 (score TBA*)
(4 hour computer based test of 100 multiple choice questions)
NC General Curriculum Test: 03 (scores TBA*)

MATH SUBTEST (4 hour computer based test; 45 multiple choice items and one open-response item)
MULTI-SUBJECT SUBTEST (4 hour computer based test of 55 multiple choice items and one open-response item) [see subtests below]

Language Arts History and Social Science Science and Technology/Engineering Integration of Knowledge and Understanding

PRAXIS II Test: 5543 – Education of Exceptional Students: Mild to Moderate Disabilities (score 158)
(2 hour computer based test of 90 multiple choice items and 3 constructed response items)

Until October 1, 2014 the existing PRAXIS II licensure assessment requirements remain in place.

PRAXIS II/NC Testing Requirements for Master of Education in Special Education K-12. Project-Portfolio Option. License in Education but Not in Special Education

SPED Program participants who complete their licensure requirements prior to October 1, 2014 must complete required PRAXIS II examinations prior to applying for teacher licensure in Special Education: General Curriculum. Test scores more than five (5) years old at the time of application will not be considered.

SPED: General Curriculum
PRAXIS II Test: 5543 - Education of Exceptional Students: Mild to Moderate Disabilities (score 158)
PRAXIS II Test: 5511 - Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge (score 148)

SPED Program participants who complete their SPED: General Curriculum licensure requirements as of October 1, 2014 must complete required NC Foundations of Reading and General Curriculum tests and a PRAXIS II examination prior to applying for teacher licensure in Special Education: General Curriculum.

NC Foundations of Reading Test: 90 (score TBA*)
(4 hour computer based test of 100 multiple choice questions)

NC General Curriculum Test: 03 (scores TBA*)

MATH SUBTEST (4 hour computer based test; 45 multiple choice items and one open-response item)
MULTI-SUBJECT SUBTEST (4 hour computer based test of 55 multiple choice items and one open-response item) [see subtests below]

Language Arts History and Social Science Science and Technology/Engineering Integration of Knowledge and Understanding

PRAXIS II Test: 5543 - Education of Exceptional Students: Mild to Moderate Disabilities (score 158)
(2 hour computer based test of 90 multiple choice items and 3 constructed response items)

Until October 1, 2014 the existing PRAXIS II licensure assessment requirements remain in place. For SPED: General Curriculum Licensed Persons who wish to add M level licensure in LD, ID/MD or SED/BED via the MEd Program must meet the following licensure assessment requirements applicable to the specific licensure area prior to applying for licensure at the advanced (M) level in the specialty concentration area:

Specific Learning Disabilities
PRAXIS II Test: 5383 - Special Education: Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities (score 151)
PRAXIS II Test: 5511- Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge (score 148)
Mental Disabilities
PRAXIS II Test: 5322 - Special Education: Mentally Disabled (score 156)
PRAXIS II Test: 5511 - Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge (score 148)
Behavioral-Emotional Disabilities
PRAXIS II Test: 5372 - Special Education: Teaching Children with Behavioral Disorders/Emotional Disturbances (score 154)
PRAXIS II Test: 5511 - Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge (score 148)

PRAXIS II/NC Testing Requirements for Master of Education in Special Education K-12.Thesis Option. License in Education but Not in Special Education.

SPED Program participants who complete their licensure requirements prior to October 1, 2014 must complete required PRAXIS II examinations prior to applying for teacher licensure in Special Education: General Curriculum. Test scores more than five (5) years old at the time of application will not be considered.

SPED: General Curriculum
PRAXIS II Test: 5543 - Education of Exceptional Students: Mild to Moderate Disabilities (score 158)
PRAXIS II Test: 5511 - Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge (score 148)

SPED Program participants who complete their SPED: General Curriculum licensure requirements as of October 1, 2014 must complete required NC Foundations of Reading and General Curriculum tests and a PRAXIS II examination prior to applying for teacher licensure in Special Education: General Curriculum.

NC Foundations of Reading Test: 90 (score TBA*)
(4 hour computer based test of 100 multiple choice questions)
NC General Curriculum Test: 03 (scores TBA*)

MATH SUBTEST (4 hour computer based test; 45 multiple choice items and one open-response item)
MULTI-SUBJECT SUBTEST (4 hour computer based test of 55 multiple choice items and one open-response item) [see subtests below]

Language Arts History and Social Science Science and Technology/Engineering Integration of Knowledge and Understanding

PRAXIS II Test: 5543 - Education of Exceptional Students: Mild to Moderate Disabilities (score 158)

Until October 1, 2014 the existing PRAXIS II licensure assessment requirements remain in place. For SPED: General Curriculum Licensed Persons who wish to add M level licensure in LD, ID/MD or SED/BED via the MEd Program must meet the following licensure assessment requirements applicable to the specific licensure area prior to applying for licensure at the advanced (M) level in the specialty concentration area:

Specific Learning Disabilities
PRAXIS II Test:5383 - Special Education: Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities (score 151)
PRAXIS II Test: 5511 - Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge (score 148)
Mental Disabilities
PRAXIS II Test: 5322 - Special Education: Mentally Disabled (score 156)
PRAXIS II Test: 5511 - Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge (score 148)
Behavioral-Emotional Disabilities
PRAXIS II Test: 5372 - Special Education: Teaching Children with Behavioral Disorders/Emotional Disturbances (score 154)
PRAXIS II Test: 5511 - Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge (score 148)


    Teacher Licensure