2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 12, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Tuition and Fees

Rates for tuition and fees are established by the North Carolina General Assembly, the University of North Carolina, the President of the University of North Carolina, and Fayetteville State University. The university reserves the right to change fees and expenses without prior notice to the students or the general public. Prior notification of change will be provided whenever possible.

The tuition and fees include state tuition (in-state and out-of-state rates), activities and service fees, and insurance. Additional charges for room and board are assessed to students who reside on campus. All students who reside on campus are required to purchase a meal plan. Optional meal plans are available to commuting students. In addition to these basic costs, other fees and expenses may be charged to students for special services. A complete list of current tuition, fees, and other expenses is available at the cashier’s office or online at http://www.uncfsu.edu/bursar/fees.htm.

Method of Payment

Tuition, fees, and room and board charges are due by the last day of late registration for each semester or term. Payments can be made by cash, cashier’s check, personal check, money order, credit or debit card, third-party sponsors, or financial aid. Students planning to use financial aid to pay their bills must meet all financial aid application deadlines to ensure availability of funds at the time of registration. Students with an account balance after the last day of late registration must enroll in a monthly payment plan with Tuition Management Systems (TMS) or their registration will be dropped for nonpayment. Students can contact TMS at 1-888-463-6994 or online at www.afford.com/uncfsu. The monthly payment plan is not available for summer sessions.

Military Personnel and Dependents

Any active duty member of the armed services qualifying for admission to Fayetteville State University but not qualifying as a resident for tuition purposes shall be charged the in-state tuition rate and applicable mandatory fees for enrollment while the member of the armed services is abiding in this State incident to active military in North Carolina.

Any dependent relative of a member of the armed forces who is abiding in North Carolina will be eligible to be charged the in-state tuition rate if the dependent relative qualifies for admission to Fayetteville State University. In the event the member of the armed services is reassigned outside the State of North Carolina, the dependent relative shall continue to be eligible to receive in-state tuition and applicable mandatory fees so long as the dependent relative is continuously enrolled in a degree program.

To be eligible for the in-state tuition rate the applicant must submit a military residency application by the deadline established by the Admissions Office.

Tuition Surcharge

All new undergraduates seeking a baccalaureate degree at Fayetteville State University will be subject to a 50% tuition surcharge if they take more than 140 credit hours to complete a four-year degree program or more than 110% of the required credit hours to complete the officially designated five-year program.

Note: The State Scholarship Program for Children of War Veterans administered by the North Carolina Division of Veterans Affairs will not cover the 50% tuition surcharge. Responsibility for the surcharge will be placed on the student.

Credit Hours Included in Calculation of Tuition Surcharge

The undergraduate credit hours to be counted for this requirement include: (1) all regular session degree-creditable courses taken at FSU, including repeated courses, failed courses, course withdrawals,; and (2) all transfer credit hours accepted by FSU. However, this calculation excludes the following credit hours: (1) those earned through the College Boards Advanced Placement (AP) and College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or similar programs; (2) those earned through institutional advanced placement, course validation, or other similar procedures for awarding course credit; and (3) those earned through the summer session or degree-credit extension division at FSU or at another UNC institution.

Students Subject to the Surcharge

The surcharge shall be imposed on all counted credit hours in excess of the threshold defined below for each of the following three categories of undergraduates:

  1. For students earning a first baccalaureate degree in a program that requires no more than 128 credit hours, the surcharge shall be applied to all counted credit hours in excess of 140.
  2. For students earning a first baccalaureate degree in a Board-approved program that requires more than 128 counted credit hours, the surcharge shall be applied to all credit hours that exceed 110% of the credit hours required for the degree. Such programs include those that have been officially designated by the Board of Governors as five-year programs, as well as those involving double majors or combined bachelors/masters degrees.
  3. For students earning a baccalaureate degree other than the first, the surcharge shall be applied to all counted credit hours that exceed 110% of the minimum additional credit hours needed to earn the additional baccalaureate degree.

Students Exempt from the Surcharge

The surcharge shall not be imposed on undergraduates who:

  1. Complete a first baccalaureate degree program that has not been officially designated by the Board of Governors as a five-year program and whose counted credit hours were earned in eight or fewer regular term semesters or the equivalent; or
  2. Complete a first baccalaureate degree program that has been officially designated by the Board of Governors as a five-year program and take their counted credit hours in 10 or fewer regular term semesters or the equivalent.

Calculation of the Surcharge

The surcharge shall be imposed on tuition charged in the current semester and in subsequent semesters for students whose cumulative credit hour total - including that semester’s course load - exceeds the threshold. The surcharge does not apply to required fees.

Refunds/Adjustments of Tuition and Fees

Refunds and/or adjustments of tuition and fees will be made only to students who withdraw from all classes in which they are enrolled for the semester, and who complete the official process for withdrawing from the university (see next section). Students wishing to withdraw from all classes must initiate the withdrawal process by reporting to the Center for Personal Development located in room 155 of the Spaulding Building. Students who fail to complete the official withdrawal process will not be eligible for any refund or adjustment of tuition, fee, or room and board charges. Ceasing class attendance does not constitute official withdrawal from the university.

Official University Withdrawal Procedure

Before deciding to withdraw from the university, a student must consult with his or her advisor to discuss the reasons for the withdrawal and the student’s plan for continuing his or her education. The student can then begin the official online university withdrawal process, which is initiated in the Center for Personal Development, located in Room 155 of the Spaulding Infirmary Building. Students who are under 18 years of age must have the approval of a parent or guardian before withdrawing from the university. The official date of withdrawal (for purposes of computing charges and grades) will be the date the student submits the online form. A student is not officially withdrawn from the university unless and until he/she has completed the withdrawal process.

The university will not make any refund of tuition/ fees or room and board charges until four (4) weeks after the student completes the official withdrawal process. All refunds will be made by the method selected by the student for refunds (see Academic Calendars for specific deadlines).

Students who officially withdraw from the university will receive a WU grade in all of their classes (see “Grades” below). Students who receive WU grades may re-enroll in the next regular semester or summer term without making application for readmission, but cannot enroll in the same semester for an 8-week term. Students who seek to withdraw from the university within the deadline but have earned grades in the previous 8-week session will retain those grades. The student will be assigned a WU for the remaining courses.

Hours with a grade of WU count as hours attempted but not completed for the purposes of financial aid. Withdrawal from the university may therefore have an adverse effect on financial aid. In addition, a student who withdraws from the university the semester after being placed on Academic Probation will be considered to have two consecutive semesters below 2.0 for the purposes of calculating academic standing. Withdrawal from the university may therefore have an adverse effect on academic standing as well.

The following adjustment schedules are based on the first day that classes officially begin and not when a student actually begins attending classes or completes the registration process.

When a student withdraws, the university uses the schedule below to determine the percentage adjustment that will be made to the students tuition and fee cost. Once the students balance has been adjusted, the amount the student has paid will then be deducted from the student’s adjusted balance to determine if the student is due a refund or if there still remains indebtedness to the university.

Withdrawal Adjustment Schedule - All Semesters
NOTE: Withdrawal from ALL classes
(Adjustment includes Room and Board and is based on percentage of semester/ term completion)
Prior to semester/ term start date to 6.5% complete 100%
6.6% to 13.0% semester/ term completion 90%
13.1% to 19.5% semester/ term completion 75%
19.6% to 26.0% semester/ term completion 50%
26.1% to 32.5% semester/ term completion 25%
32.6% and thereafter 0

Students who do not officially withdraw from the university but stop attending all classes are subject to administrative withdrawal (see “Administrative Withdrawal”) and repayment of any financial aid that has been received.

Refunds/Adjustments for Individual Classes

Tuition and fee adjustments will be made only for courses dropped during the university’s designated drop/add periods. A student may complete an individual class withdrawal form after the close of the drop/add period, but no adjustment of tuition and fees will be made for withdrawing from individual classes. The drop/add and withdrawal procedures apply only to students enrolled in more than one class. Students enrolled in only one class who wish to drop or withdraw from that class must go through the official university withdrawal process outlined in the previous section. A full refund of tuition and fees will be made for classes canceled by the university.

Room/Board Adjustments

A student who submits a housing application and contract is considered a residential student for the (Fall and Spring Semesters) of the academic year and will be charged room and board fees accordingly. Student accounts are not pro-rated or adjusted if you move out after the eighth (8th) week of classes. After the eighth week of classes, the contract holder will be responsible for full payment of the contract amount.

A student may request to be released from his or her housing contract by filling out the Housing Cancellation Request Form online. (This form is available online at www.uncfsu.edu/reslife or via the Office of Residence Life in Williams Hall). Cancellations are not automatically approved and should not be interpreted to equate to a room refund or bill adjustment. Appropriate termination charges will be assessed based on the prorated schedule and cancellation fee provided by the Residence Life/Housing Office.

Student Medical Insurance

The university requires all undergraduate and graduate students in degree seeking programs who are enrolled in six or more credit hours on the main campus to have medical insurance and provides a medical insurance plan for each student. Medical insurance fees are automatically assessed as part of a student’s overall tuition and fees. A student may waive the medical insurance fee for the entire fiscal year by completing an insurance waiver form at the beginning of the fall semester or by completing the waiver form by the last day of posted registration for each semester online only at www.studentinsurance.com. Documentation of proof of insurance is needed to waive the student medical insurance fee.

Indebtedness to the University

All indebtedness to the university must be satisfactorily settled before a certificate, diploma, or transcript of record will be issued. A student who is indebted to the university will not be permitted to re-enroll in subsequent terms unless such indebtedness has been satisfied. A student who is delinquent in his/her payment of a student education loan is treated as one indebted to the university. Any cost associated with the collection of a past due or delinquent indebtedness will be borne by the student.