2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 12, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs is committed to providing an exceptional co-curricular experience, supportive of the academic mission at Fayetteville State University from orientation through graduation. With a strong emphasis on total student development, the division strives to prepare each student for a productive, ethical and meaningful life after college, while fostering an inclusive campus community in support of the educational mission of the university.

The philosophy of the division is that student development is an on-going and cumulative process of intellectual, psychological, cultural, social, and spiritual growth. This growth and development is shaped by a student’s involvement outside the classroom and is a valuable part of the collegiate learning experience. Accordingly, the goals of Student Affairs are: to provide programs, services, and events that promote cultural enrichment and development; to collaborate with academic units and utilize Experiential Learning opportunities to enhance students’ productivity; and to maintain a campus environment that encourages social diversification while promoting interpersonal interaction.

The Division of Student Affairs encompasses the administrative Office of the Vice Chancellor and the following units: Career Services, the Office of Residence Life, the Center for Personal Development, the Office of Student Engagement, Intramurals and Campus Recreational Services, Student Health Services, the Rudolph Jones Student Center, the Office of Student Conduct, and Fraternity and Sorority Life.

Career Services Center

Career Services is located in the Rudolph Jones Student Center. The office provides support and assistance to current students and recent alumni of the university in their preparation for securing meaningful employment. Career Services offers scheduled appointments, walk-in hours, seminars, workshops, job fairs, and classroom presentations. Career Resources and information regarding careers, internships, the job search process, company literature, as well as graduate schools and fellowship programs are available in person and online. Handshake, our career management data base, allows current students and alumni to research employers, search/apply for available jobs and internships, and communicate with their Career Coaches about resumes, cover letters, and other career related topics through an online portal. All students are expected to start the career services process in the freshman year and continue through graduation. 

Job Location and Development Program

The Job Location and Development Program, located within the Career Services Center, assists currently enrolled students with off-campus part-time job opportunities. The program affords opportunities for students to learn skills while developing work habits and values that will benefit them throughout their careers.

Experiential Education

Experiential Education includes both internships and cooperative education (CO-OP). Experiential education is a unique plan of education which integrates a student’s academic and career interests with productive work experiences in cooperating employer organizations. Through this interaction, students enhance their education and improve their personal and professional development. The academic advisor, internship coordinator, and the employing supervisor all share in the intellectual and personal development of the student. The experiential education experience enhances the self-awareness and direction of students by allowing them to develop practical skills and gain exposure to work environments beyond the university.

To ensure proper credit, students must complete all paperwork and approval processes prior to registering for these opportunities. Approval includes the internship coordinator, academic advisor, department chair, and dean.

Center for Personal Development

The Center for Personal Development offers programs, services and activities to assist students with social, personal and academic growth during their matriculation at the university. In addition to counseling services, the Center for Personal Development staff presents workshops and outreach activities designed to enhance students’ self-esteem, study skills, leadership abilities, and decision-making skills. A confidential counseling atmosphere is provided for all enrolled students where personal, social, and academic concerns may be discussed.

Individual and group counseling sessions are available, and the information discussed therein is held in strict confidence to the limits provided by law. No record of counseling is made on academic transcripts or placement files. Referrals to community agencies are made when necessary. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Other times are available by appointment.

Services for Students with Disabilities and the Substance Abuse Prevention Program are also coordinated through the Center for Personal Development.

Substance Abuse Prevention Program

The Substance Abuse Prevention Program offers awareness information in an attempt to curb alcohol and other drug use and their associated negative consequences. A comprehensive prevention approach has been established that combines traditional educational programs with strategies aimed at informing the social environment on campus. Successful partnerships have been established with the following agencies in an effort to provide current information to the student population: Cumberland County Health Department, Cumberland County Mental Health Center, North Carolina Highway Patrol, ABC Alcohol Law Enforcement, Operation Sickle Cell, Inc., HIV/STD Prevention Program, and Rape Crisis Volunteers of Cumberland County.

Intramurals and Campus Recreational Services

The Intramurals and Campus Recreational Services program is a unique opportunity for members of the Fayetteville State University community to participate together in sports leagues, tournaments, and special events. There are four team sports competitions: basketball, flag football, soccer, and volleyball. Other individual sports and special events include track, soccer, dodge ball, racquet ball, weightlifting, swimming, water aerobics, exercise equipment/ activities, indoor/ outdoor track, and bike riding.

Participants do not have to possess superior athletic abilities. All levels of skill are incorporated. Eligibility is limited to Fayetteville State University students, faculty, and staff. Complete participant eligibility rules and sport specific rules can be found in the soon to be published Intramurals and Recreational Services Handbook.

The Intramurals Sports Office is located in Lilly Gymnasium.

Residence Life

The primary goal of the Department of Residence Life is to create an atmosphere that is conducive to the overall educational mission of the university. Efforts are made to integrate academic and out-of-class learning while providing opportunities for self-identity, social networking, leadership development, and civic engagement through the Residence Hall Association.

The main office of Residence Life is located in Williams Hall. There are currently nine residence halls on the main campus and one apartment complex adjacent to the campus, offering comfortable and safe accommodations to approximately 1,600 students. Each facility is supervised by a professional staff member and supported by responsible student staff members, who aid as peer leaders assisting residents in their adjustment to college life.

An annual application and a non-refundable housing application fee are required before a student can move on campus. Additionally, all students must be registered for the current semester or summer session prior to checking into the hall. Our residence halls are open to all first year, sophomore, upper-class and graduate students. First year students are strongly encouraged to live on campus as research show the students who live on campus do better academically. All residents are responsible for acquainting themselves and adhering to the policies and regulations outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, Guide to Residential Living, and the FSU Housing Application.

Residence hall living is based on community effort, mutual respect, and consideration of others. The Guide to Residential Living can be found online and collectively reviewed at the beginning of each academic term. Community standards are designed to ensure that all students have a positive residential experience. As members of the residence hall community, students are expected to abide by the residence hall regulations, as well as all other college policies and federal, state, and local laws. Alcohol, weapons, and drugs are strictly prohibited on campus.

Rudolph Jones Student Center

The Rudolph Jones Student Center serves as the community center for students, faculty, and staff by providing an environment conducive for growth and exchange. The Office of Student Engagement, Office of Career Services, Office of Student Conduct, Photography, Student Government Association, Student Activities Council, AUTOS Commuter Student Association, Fayettevillian Yearbook, and the VOICE Student Newspaper are housed in the facility. The Student Center is equipped with meeting rooms, student lounge areas, television lounge, recreational space with a hot grill, 100-seat movie theater, full service post office, and cafeteria. Other services available in the Center include a copy machine, vending machines, and teller machine.

Office of Student Engagement

The mission of the Office of Student Engagement is to maintain and direct an environment conducive to growth and exchange by sponsoring activities and programs that enhance the personal, social, and emotional development of students. The Office of Student Engagement provides opportunities for students to involve themselves in co-curricular activities. Through this involvement, students are challenged through experiential learning and receive practical experience in program planning, leadership, problem solving, and consulting.

The Office of Student Engagement is responsible for certifying and monitoring the registration process for student clubs and organizations. Procedures for registering a student organization and for establishing a new student organization can be found in the Student Handbook.

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) is the organization that represents Fayetteville State University students. SGA strives to meet the needs of students and to act in their best interests. The officers focus on communications with students and on general operation of the Student Government. The Senate, composed of student representatives, is responsible for examining student concerns and making appropriate recommendations to the university administration.

Student Activities Council

The mission of the Student Activities Council (SAC) is to plan, implement, and execute social, cultural, intellectual, spiritual, and environmental activities and events to enhance campus life. The Student Activities Council serves as the primary planning and implementation board of the majority of students’ social, cultural and recreational activities and events. The Council is comprised of several elected underclassmen and executive board members. Council members are elected annually and serve as representative of their constituents.

Student Health Services

The mission of Student Health Services (SHS) is to provide quality cost effective health care and health educational services that will support students in creating better physical, emotional, and social health outcomes. SHS strives to promote and maintain conditions that are conducive for healthy living, guide and encourage students to accept health as a positive value of life, and stimulate an interest in students to make healthy choices.  Student Health Services works to assist students in developing a solid foundation for healthy lifestyle practices to improve current and future health outcomes.

Student Health Services is located in the Spaulding Building. SHS provides a variety of health care services to the student population.  Students enrolled at FSU pay a Health Services Fee as part of their tuition each semester. Students currently assessed the student health fee are eligible for health care services. Treatment of minor illnesses and minor injuries are provided.  Students needing referrals for specialized services are referred to local area clinics and hospitals.  Upon referral, the student is responsible for all charges not covered by their personal insurance plan and/or their Student Medical Insurance Plan (Student Blue).

Note: Current Immunization Record and Medical History Forms are required for services. The student health fee is not the same as the cost associated with the Student Medical Insurance Plan (Student Blue.)

In order to give satisfactory service to each student, the Student Health Services staff desires the cooperation of each student in adhering to Student Health Policies. All students who have medical problems or questions are invited to consult the Student Health Services staff. On each visit to Student Health Services a valid Fayetteville State University Identification Card must be presented prior to treatment and/or services.

A nurse is always on duty during hours of operation. Medical Provider hours for routine treatment are posted, but may vary during summer sessions. After hours, for non-life threatening issues, students can contact the Health Line Blue at 1-877-477-2424. For any life-threatening emergency, students should contact 911, Campus Police, or the Residence Hall Advisor/ Director.


Fayetteville State University requires each student to have accident and medical insurance either by their personal policy or under the FSU Student Medical Insurance Plan. Brochures describing the Student Insurance Plans are available online at www.studentbluenc.com/fsu.

The premium for the Student Blue Insurance Plan is included in each student’s semester bill as long as three criteria are met:

  1. Six or more credit hours taken on the main campus.
  2. Student is eligible to pay the student health fee.
  3. Student is enrolled in a degree-seeking program.

Students who do NOT wish to be enrolled in the Student Blue Insurance Plan MUST present proof of personal insurance coverage and complete the insurance waiver online only at www.studentbluenc.com/fsu. The deadline will be announced via email. Students who participate in varsity athletics are not allowed to waive their FSU Student Accident & Sickness Insurance Plan without the permission of their respective coach or the Athletic Director.

Any student enrolled in the Student Insurance Plan may also enroll their eligible dependents and/or spouse.

International students are insured under the University System International Insurance plan. All international students are to contact Student Health Services for information.

Immunization and Required Documentation

Fayetteville State University and North Carolina Statute, (General Statue 130A 152- 157), requires that all students present documented proof of specific immunizations.  The required immunizations are listed on the Immunization Record & Medical History Form required of all students prior to registration.  Immunization Record and Medical History Forms are available at Student Health Services located in the Spaulding Building.  All medical information is confidential and is not divulged without the written consent of the student or parent/legal guardian of a minor student.

Any student requesting services must complete the Immunization Record & Medical History Form and provide the required immunization documentation to Student Health Services prior to scheduling an appointment regardless of credit hours or status. All new students, transfer students, returning former FSU students, students taking more than four hours on campus before 5:00 p.m., and students applying for admission to the Teacher Education Program must completed all medical and immunization laws requirements.

Immunizations are required by the state of North Carolina and must be physician-certified or verified by a clinic stamp before registering at FSU. Failure to comply with mandatory state immunization laws requires administrative withdrawal from the University.

Note: Exemption from immunization requirements include: a) students enrolled for four credit hours or less and residing off campus, b) students attending evening classes  starting at 5:00 pm, c.) students taking weekend classes and  d) students taking off campus classes for the duration of their degree program.

The minimum immunization requirements are:

1.  Three (3) doses of tetanus/diphtheria toxoid - Diphtheria, Tetanus, and/or Pertussis -(DTP, DTaP, TD, Tdap) - One must have been within the past 10 years.

2.  Three (3) doses Polio (oral): Required if under age 18.

3.  One (1) Meningococcal or wavier

4.  Three (3) doses Hepatitis B: Required if born on or after July 1, 1994. 

5.  Two (2) of MMR - Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine: Required if born after December 31, 1956.

  • Lab report to show proof of immunity to Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) by blood test (titer) will satisfy the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) requirement.
  • Rubella (German Measles): Required if under age 50.
  • Vaccine (after 6-9-96) or proof of immunity by blood test (titer).

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS and/or non – US Citizens: Additionally, these student are required to have a Tb skin test (PPD or TST) that has been administered and read at an appropriate medical facility within the 12 months prior to the first day of class (Chest x-ray required if test is positive)


1.   Month, date, and year are required for each immunization.

2.   Handwritten records must be verified by either a physician’s signature or by a clinic/ health department stamp.

3.   Any request for medical exemption from the immunization requirement must be verified by a NC physician.  The physician must complete the Medical Exemption Statement Form (DHHS form 3987). The form must be submitted to Student Health Services.

The University registrar is required by law to withdraw any student who does not provide the appropriate immunization records. This administrative withdrawal can result in loss of grades and/or credit. Students have until the close of business on the 30th calendar day after the first day of class to submit immunization records. On the 31st calendar day, students who are not in compliance (do not meet the minimum immunization requirements, have no record on file, or are not in-process to receive the required immunizations) MUST be excluded from college/university per state immunization law. The student may not return to college/university without immunizations.

Medical Excuses

Medical excuses are given only when the Medical Provider deems it medically necessary. An appointment with Student Health Services does not mandate a medical excuse. Medical excuses are not issued for missed class time. Therefore, students are strongly encouraged not to schedule appointments during class time.


In emergency situations, the Emergency Medical System (911) will be activated for students who require it. The student will be responsible for charges or bills for EMS/ambulance services not covered by their medical insurance. Student Health Services is equipped to serve students in the Spaulding Building and cannot accommodate students in the residence halls or in classrooms. The Student Health Services’ staff does not respond to medical calls outside of the facility. Students with OFF Campus appointments are responsible for arranging their own transportation and receiving a referral as needed from Student Health Services. Students may obtain a FREE bus pass with Bronco ID card from the Office of Student Engagement located in Rudolph Jones Student Center.

Medical Records

Student medical records are available only to the professional staff of SHS and are considered confidential and privilege.  Records may only be released with written permission by the student. Records are retained for eleven years after the student leaves the University and subsequently are destroyed.  

Office of Student Conduct

The Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Director of Student Conduct administers judicial policies and adjudicates alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct for the university student judicial system. The Code of Student Conduct applies to all enrolled part-time, full-time, and graduate students while they are on premises owned by the university, on city streets running through or adjacent to the campus, and in off-campus facilities occupied by students by virtue of their association with an organization recognized by the University.

The Assistant Vice Chancellor also provides various means of support as needed in crisis situations that involve students and other university offices. In addition, the Office Student Conduct oversees the Student Judicial Board. The Office of Student Conduct is located in the Rudolph Jones Student Center.

Fraternity and Sorority Life

Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) offers undergraduates a fraternal experience that complements the mission of the University and fosters an inclusive environment intended to maximize student success. FSL promotes intellectual, academic, spiritual, and career development of members through training and civic engagement.

Alcohol/Drug Policy

Alcoholic beverages and drugs are strictly prohibited for students on the campus of Fayetteville State University. This includes the possession, sale, distribution, and consumption of any alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs.

Counseling and Rehabilitation

Counseling and rehabilitation related to alcohol and drug abuse are an important part of the university’s alcohol/drug policy. The following specific activities shall be implemented:

  1. Information regarding the Center for Personal Development’s services and referral process for alcohol and drug abuse shall be disseminated to students, faculty, administrators, and staff.
  2. Members of the academic community who are aware of individuals with alcohol/drug problems shall be encouraged to make referrals to the Center for Personal Development or other agencies.

Enforcement and Penalties Trafficking in Illegal Drugs

For illegal manufacture, sale or delivery, or possession with intent to manufacture, sell or deliver any controlled substance identified in Schedule I through VI, NC General Statutes 90-89, 90-91 through 90-94, (including but not limited to heroin, mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide, opium, cocaine, amphetamine, methaqualone, marijuana, pentobarbital, codeine) the minimum penalty shall be expulsion from enrollment of any student or dismissal from employment for any faculty member, administrator or any other employee.

Illegal Possession of Drugs

For the first offense involving the illegal possession of any controlled substance identified in Schedule I, NC General Statutes 90-89, Schedule II, NC General Statutes 90-90, the minimum penalty shall be suspension from enrollment for a minimum of one calendar year for any student, faculty member or employee. For a second offense for possession of any controlled substance identified in Schedule I, NC General Statutes 90-89, or Schedule II, NC General Statutes 90-90, the minimum penalty shall be expulsion from enrollment or dismissal from employment.

For a first offense involving the illegal possession of any controlled substance identified in Schedules III through VI, NC General Statutes 90-91 through 90-94, the minimum penalty for any student, faculty member or other employee shall be probation, for a period to be determined on a case-by-case basis. A more severe penalty may be imposed including the maximum penalty of expulsion for students and discharge for faculty members, administrators or other employees.

A person on probation must agree to participate in a drug education and counseling program, consent to regular drug testing, and accept such other conditions and restrictions, including a program of community service, as the chancellor or the chancellor’s designee deems appropriate. Refusal or failure to abide by the terms of probation shall result in suspension from enrollment or from employment for any unexpired balance of the prescribed probation.

For second or other subsequent offenses involving the illegal possession of controlled substances, progressively more severe penalties shall be imposed, including expulsion of students and discharge of faculty members, administrators or other employees.

When a student, faculty member, administrator, or other employee has been charged by the university with a violation of policies concerning illegal drugs, he or she may be suspended from enrollment or employment before initiation or completion of regular disciplinary proceedings if, assuming the truth of the charges, the Chancellor or, in his absence, the Chancellor’s designee concludes that the persons continued presence within the university community would constitute clear and immediate danger to the health or welfare of other members of the university community. If such a suspension is imposed, an appropriate hearing of the charges against the suspended person shall be held as promptly as possible thereafter.

A complete statement of the Fayetteville State University Alcohol/Drugs Policy can be found in the Student Handbook, which is published by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct

Sexual Harassment

The university is committed to taking effective action to prevent and correct sexual harassment by or against members of the university community. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:

  • submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or academic or student status, or
  • submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment, academic, or other institutional decisions affecting such individual, or
  • such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance, academic activities, or student experience, or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working, academic, or student life environment.

Students who believe they have been the victims of sexual harassment and/or who wish to file a complaint regarding an issue of sexual harassment should consult the university’s Sexual Harassment policy at http://www.uncfsu.edu/policy. Such complaints shall be reviewed, investigated and resolved in accordance with that policy.

Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, and Stalking

Sexual Misconduct: The university is committed to fostering a safe campus environment where sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence are unacceptable and are not tolerated. Sexual misconduct is defined as any act of a sexual nature perpetrated against an individual without effective consent or when an individual is unable to freely give consent. Sexual misconduct includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Attempted or completed intercourse or penetration (anal, oral or vaginal);
  • Sexual touching (including disrobing or exposure);
  • Sexual exploitation;
  • Sexual intimidation; or
  • Sexual coercion; or

Relationship violence is any act of violence or pattern of abusive behavior in a relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another partner. Relationship violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. Relationship violence includes domestic violence and dating violence.

Stalking is defined as a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. Stalking involves repeated and continued harassment made against the expressed wishes of another individual, which causes the targeted individual to feel emotional distress, including fear and apprehension. Stalking behaviors may include the following: pursuing or following; non-consensual (unwanted) communication or contact - including face-to-face, telephone calls, voice messages, electronic messages, web-based messages, text messages, unwanted gifts, etc.; trespassing; and surveillance or other types of observation.

The university encourages students who may have experienced sexual misconduct, relationship violence, or stalking to speak with someone at the university so that the university can provide the support that is needed and respond appropriately. The Prohibited Sexual Conduct policy can be found at the following link: http://www.uncfsu.edu/Documents/Legal-Affairs/ProhibitedSexualConductRev%2009-16.pdf

Consulting with a Health Care Professional - A student who wishes to confidentially speak about an incident of sexual misconduct should contact either of the following individuals who are required to maintain confidentiality:

Ms. Dionne Hall Ms. Mary Bush
Licensed Professional Counselor Student Health Services
Spaulding Building, Room 165 Spaulding Building, Room 121
(910) 672-2167 (910) 672-2401
dhall9@uncfsu.edu mbush3@uncfsu.edu

Reporting an Incident of Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, or Stalking - The university encourages students to report incidents of sexual misconduct, relationship violence, or stalking. A student who wishes to report or has questions about university policies and procedures regarding sexual misconduct, relationship violence , or stalking should contact the university’s Title IX Coordinator at (910) 672-2325.

Unlike the Licensed Professional Counselor or the Director of Student Health Services, the Title IX Coordinator is legally obligated to investigate reports of sexual misconduct or interpersonal violence, and therefore cannot guarantee confidentiality, but a request for confidentiality will be considered and respected to the extent possible.

Students are also encouraged to report incidents of sexual misconduct to the university’s Police and Public Safety Department at (910) 672-1911.

Written Complaint Procedure

At Fayetteville State University, we recognize our students as the primary customers for all of the services that we offer, from classroom instruction to personal counseling to computer labs. When an area of the university needs improvement or change to better serve the needs of our students, we appreciate hearing from them.

As a first step, students are encouraged to discuss their complaints directly with the person responsible for the area or problem. If the issue is not or cannot be addressed through discussion with the responsible person and if there are no methods prescribed for appeal in the applicable area in the relevant Academic Catalog, Student Handbook, or other official university documents, then the issue should be outlined in writing and submitted to the following offices in the order indicated:

Academic Complaints:

  1. Department Chair
  2. Dean of the School/College
  3. Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Non-Academic Complaints:

  1. Department or Office Director
  2. Vice Chancellor of the Division to which the Department or Office reports

Each office listed above will respond to the student within 10 working days of receipt of the written suggestion or complaint. If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved at the first level, the student should submit his/her request to the next highest level. If the issue remains unresolved at the highest level indicated above, the student(s) should appeal to the Office of the Chancellor.

Americans with Disabilities Act Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Complaint Procedures

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination on the basis of physical or mental handicap by programs receiving federal assistance. Section 504 focuses on program accessibility, academic accommodations, and integrated settings. Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination based on disability in all programs, activities, and services of State and local governments.

As an institution that receives federal assistance from the U.S. Department of Education and as a constituent institution of the University of North Carolina (a state agency), Fayetteville State University must comply with the laws and regulations pertaining to Section 504 and ADA.

It is the policy of FSU that no qualified individual with a disability will be excluded, by reason of such disability, from the participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities offered by FSU or be subjected to discrimination.

Additionally, FSU does not discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability, in regard to job application procedures, the hiring, advancement, or discharge of employees, employee compensation, job training, or any other term, condition, and privileges of employment.

These procedures were established to provide an individual with the means to file a complaint if the individual believes that he or she has been discriminated against based on disability. A student, employee, applicant or member of the public who wishes to file a complaint regarding the University’s compliance with ADA/Section 504 must file such a complaint with the Director for the Center for Personal Development, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, NC 28301-4298.

Non-Discrimination Statement

Fayetteville State University is committed to equality of educational opportunity and employment and does not discriminate against applicants, students, or employees based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. Moreover, Fayetteville State University values diversity and actively seeks to recruit talented students, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds. Any individual with a concern, grievance or complaint of discrimination or retaliation should utilize the university’s policies listed above or the applicable employment related grievance procedures for faculty and EPA non-faculty employees.

Students who believe they have been discriminated against should contact the Office of Student Conduct or the Title IX Coordinator.